Tagged Brazil


But How Could You Crap On The World Cup and Olympics?!

I love the Olympics and World Cup…seriously!

Yes it’s true, most people are surprised to hear this given I’ve spent the last four years of my life investigating how whole communities are being destroyed in Rio for these events. But at the end of the day, who doesn’t enjoy a good game of footie? I certainly do! I have drank the kool-aid (or Coca-Cola), I love FIFA’s “beautiful game”! I am inspired by the Olympic Charter and the values it espouses. And that’s precisely why I was so irate Read more


Overview of the Issues: RioOnWatch

Here is a thorough article from RioOnWatch the community reporting outlet published by Rio-based NGO Catalytic Communities (Catcomm). CatComm was one of my first allies when I first started this project in 2010, and they have been working tirelessly to publish many of the untold stories in Rio around the same issues I am documenting in the film. The article describes the joint finding of Brazil’s “popular committees”, Read more


Brazil: Human Rights for Sale

Human Rights for Sale: The combined budget for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 is $40 billion. 

Chris Gaffney was the first activist I ever approached when starting this project in Rio back in 2010 when I recognized him from an Al-Jazeera segment I’d seen in my research. True to his style, Chris  provides a very thorough overview of the socio-political backdrop in which our story unfolds.  Read more